Lebanon Fire District

style="font-family: sans-serif;">The Lebanon Fire District responded to its second outbuilding fire in the last two days this afternoon. A forty by one hundred foot storage building caught fire at the corner of Lacomb Drive and Totem Pole Road. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. The building was fully involved when the first units arrived. 

The fire required sixteen career and volunteer personnel, as well as multiple apparatus to extinguish. Due to the intensity of the fire and the size of the building. a rural water supply operation had to be established with water tenders making multiple trips to a water source to bring the blaze under control. Approximately thirty thousands gallons of water was used to extinguish the fire.

Due to the utilization of nearly all of its on duty personnel, LFD requested units from Albany Fire to cover their district for additional calls while the fire was being extinguished. Pacific Power was also called and provided control of the electrical connections to the building allowing firefighters to work in safety on the fire ground. The Lebanon Fire District is thankful to these invaluable partners. 

Lebanon Fire would like to remind everyone to pay close attention when legally burning yard debris, and take extra precautions as the weather gets hotter and dryer. For further information Please contact the Lebanon Fire District at 541-45-1901.
