Sugar Pine Fire Evacuations Raised to Level 3 "Go"
Update July 31, 2018, at 9:25 p.m.:
TRAIL, Ore. - Based on the recommendation of fire officials managing the Sugar Pine fire, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office has increased the evacuation advisory for residences in the Elk Creek Road area from Level 2 "Be Set" to Level 3 "Go."
A Level 3 "Go" advisory is now in effect for the following addresses: 8800 to 17600 Elk Creek Road; Sugar Pine Road, all addresses; Dodes Creek road, all addresses.
A Level 3 "Go" evacuation means you should not delay leaving to gather any belongings or make further efforts to protect your home. This may be the last notice you receive.
Deputies and search and rescue volunteers will deliver notices to these residences in person; however, residents do not need to wait for a notice to vacate their homes. Citizen Alert notifications will be sent to those in the affected area.
To register for future Citizen Alert notifications, go to . Information about evacuation levels and preparedness is available at .
The nearest Red Cross shelter currently in operation is at Grants Pass High School. An animal shelter is set up at the Josephine County Fairgrounds.
Public fire information is available by phone at (541) 474-5305. The Sugar Pine fire is one of several fires managed by an incident management team under the collective name Sugar Pine. For more information, visit the InciWeb fire page at .
Original release, July 27, 2018:
TRAIL, Ore. – Fire officials are recommending “Level 2” residential evacuations in the Elk Creek area. Both the Sugar Pine fire and Miles fire are creating a potential threat to homes in the area.
As of Friday, July 27, 2018, a Level 2 (BE SET) advisory is in effect for the following addresses: 8800 to 17600 Elk Creek Road; Sugar Pine Road, all addresses; Dodes Creek road, all addresses.
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office deputies and search and rescue personnel are making in-person notifications. Citizen Alert notifications will also be made by phone to those in the affected area.
While homes on Dodes Creek Road and the upper section of Elk Creek Road are still some distance from the fires, officials are concerned that the evacuation route down Elk Creek Road could become compromised if the Sugar Pine fire encroaches toward the intersection of Sugar Pine Road and Elk Creek Road. Residents should consider these concerns when creating their evacuation plans.
To sign up for Citizen Alert, go to . Information about evacuation levels and preparedness is available at
A downloadable map of the evacuation area is included with this release. Evacuation zones have also be added to the interactive fire map: . Users are able to search for specific addresses on the interactive map.
The Sugar Pine Fire is one of several fires managed by an incident management team under the collective name Sugar Pine. For more information, visit the InciWeb fire page at .
The Miles fire is one of several fires that make up the South Umpqua Complex. For more information, visit the InciWeb fire page at .
The Southwest Oregon Joint Information Center is continually updating information about all fires in the region at . Those with questions can call the public fire information number at (541) 474-5305. Questions can also be asked via email at"> .

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